My Credit Card Isn't Working
The event has authorization over which credit cards it will accept. Some events take only MasterCard and VISA, while other events offer more credit card choices.
If your card is being declined during the payment process, check the following before proceeding:
- The ZIP code you entered matches the billing ZIP code on file with your credit card company
- The street number/address you entered matches the billing address on file with your credit card company
- The name on the card you entered is correct
- The CCV number is entered correctly
- The credit card number is entered correctly and has no spaces between the numbers
- You do not have "holds" on your card from prior authorizations that have not been released yet by your credit card company
- You do not have any recent pending payments that may have been flagged by your credit card company
- You are not over your withdrawal limit
Though tickets are purchased through AttendStar's website, AttendStar does not provide any insight into why your card is declined. We recommend contacting your credit card company immediately to find out if there are any issues. AttendStar cannot force a transaction to process.