Export Attendees

The feature allows you to Export Attendees' information in one Excel file. This will enable you to look at things such as:

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Ticket Name
  4. Mobile Phone Number
  5. Zip Code
  6. Where did you hear about this event?
  7. Order #
  8. Order Date
  9. Ticket #
  10. Fees
  11. Price
  12. Discount Codes
  13. Refunded Tickets
  14. Cancelled Tickets
  15. Reason for Refunds

You can get this file by going to the Manage Attendees page.

  1. From the Event Overview page, click the Attendees drop-down menu and select Manage Attendees.

  2. Click the Export Attendee button on the right below the graph.

  3. This will result in a download which will open the Excel file.

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