How to Add an Event Description

Use the Event Description box to describe your event, embed videos, put in pictures, and sell your event to get your ticket buyers to buy tickets!

How to Edit the Event Description

  1. Select the event.
  2. Click Edit on the right of the page.

  1. Scroll down to Event Description.

  1. Type in what you want, design it, change the colors, put in pictures, anything!

Add Images to your Event Description and Email Content

**NOTE: We recommend using an internet browser such as Safari, Chrome or Firefox. 

  1. Click the Picture icon on the toolbar.

  1. Click Choose File (it may be "Browse" in some browsers) to select an image.
  2. Select the image you would like to upload and click Open and Insert.
  3. Your image is now inserted! You can name it, add a link to your image, change its position, or delete it if necessary by clicking on the image.
  4. Click the red Save Changes button.

This is what ticket buyers see on your description tab on the ticket sales page.

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