How to Add/Edit/Delete Discount Codes

Discount Codes are codes you create to give ticket buyers a certain percentage or amount off their ticket price.

Restrictions can be applied to these discount codes, such as the time frame for the discount and the number of times a code can be used. One Discount Code can be applied to all ticket types. The ticket buyers enter the code for each ticket type, as discount codes can only be entered one at a time per ticket type. You can use Discount Codes for multiple discounts based on ticket type. For example, you can create an "earlybird" code that allows the ticket buyer to get $5.00 off a VIP ticket and $10.00 off a general admission ticket.

How to Add a New Discount Code

**NOTE: To have a discount code, you MUST have at least one ticket type available for the event

  1. Select the event to add the discount.
  2. Go to the Tickets menu and select New Discount from the drop-down menu.
  3. You will set the parameters for the discount code on the Add New Discount page.
  4. Enter the discount code's name. This name is how you refer to the discount code with AttendStar's event manager. This name will not be visible to ticket buyers and attendees. It will appear on the Discounts page and the Event Ticket Sales report. This is NOT the actual discount code used.

  1. Select if this discount is a percentage off each ticket price or a dollar amount off each ticket price.

  1. Enter the discount value of the percentage or amount of the discount. You cannot use special characters ($, %).
    1. For example, if you are giving 20% off the ticket price, select "Percentage" for the type of discount and enter "20" in the Choose Amount field.
  2. Choose the dates when this discount is valid. The discount can only be applied to tickets between these dates and times and will only work within these dates and times.

  1. The Remaining Inventory field is the number of times ticket buyers can redeem this discount code. This number will decrease as the discount code is redeemed.

  1. Enter the discount code that ticket buyers must enter to receive the discount. This code can be any combination of numbers and letters but is not case-sensitive.

  1. Check the corresponding box(es) to apply the discount to the ticket types you choose
    1. **NOTE: A discount code must be applied to at least one ticket type 

  1. Click the Create Discount button.

How to Edit an Existing Discount

Note: You cannot change the discount code itself

  1. Select the event with the discount you want to edit.
  2. Go to the Tickets menu on the left and click All Discounts.
  3. Click Edit on the right next to the discount you want to change.
  4. Make you changes
  5. Click the Save Changes button when complete.

How to Delete a Discount

**NOTE: Deleting a discount will make it no longer available for ticket buyers and will not appear on the All Discounts page. However, if the discount is used, it will still be reflected on the Event Summary Report.

  1. Select the event with the discount that you would like to delete.
  2. Go to the Tickets drop-down menu and select All Discounts.
  3. Click the trash can on the right on the discount you want to delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion.
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