Purchase Policy: Ticket Refunds and Exchanges

For detailed information on an event's refund and exchange policy, please review the Terms and Conditions of your tickets. Always review the Terms and Conditions of your tickets before purchasing. For help on where to locate the Terms and Conditions of your tickets, click this link: Ticket Terms and Conditions

AttendStar does not issue refunds. AttendStar is not authorized to issue any refunds or exchanges for any event. Refunds and exchanges are the responsibility of and at the discretion of the event promoter, organizer, or manager. Please review the Terms and Conditions of your tickets before purchasing for details regarding an event's refund and exchange policy.

Regardless of if AttendStar is on your credit card statement, ticket complaints or disputes are at the discretion of the credit card company.

*Please be advised, if the Terms and Conditions of your tickets state that no refunds or exchanges will be issued, you will not be issued a ticket refund. AttendStar supplies all ticket Terms and Conditions for all credit card complaints and disputes. Accepting the Terms and Conditions of your tickets is required to purchase tickets.

AttendStar does not have authority over the Terms and Conditions of tickets for any event. Terms and Conditions for tickets are the responsibility of and at the discretion of the event promoter, organizer, or manager.

To contact the event, please call the Contact the Event phone number on the event's ticket sales page.


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